A Heidi Rose Halloween!

A Heidi Rose Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Heidi Rose! We’re so excited to share our tips for the season with you… Let’s get spooky!

Decorating the house 

How scary do you want to go? If your kids are under five or six, we want that little trick-or treating twist without being too frightening. We love skeletons ( there are plenty of child-friendly ones available), pumpkins, ghosts, spider webs to hang, witches and wizards.. all which can go on your bannisters, doors and walls with blu-tack. Another idea is putting eyes in your windows to look out at your guests! If you’ve got a green space or garden, fill it with spooky toys and knick-knacks and take advantage of things found in nature such as leaves, logs, flowers and trees, to inspire creativity and pretend play.

Dressing up- costumes ideas 

Whether your little ones are into scary skulls or perfect princesses, there’s a huge collection of choices online. However, it’s easy to make your own! A glue gun and child-friendly scissors stop any mess and craft shops sell sequins, fabrics, stickers, masks, paper hats and more. We like to recycle and repurpose, so try and use accessories from the home such as brooms and tissue paper. After all, if you’re part of our Heidi Rose family you’ll have the fabric crowns, capes and wands ready to go and easy to personalise!

Celebrating Halloween itself!

Large or small, this is the perfect day for a little get-together! Put up your decorations and play games such as apple bobbing (great for adding vitamins to their diet), hide and seek in costume, arts and crafts with stencils and stickers, face painting…you can even move outside if it’s not too chilly!

But you don’t have to plan a party yourself or in your home- it’s still the season to socialise, even for little ones! Trick or treating-just check with your neighbours if they celebrate and are happy for a visit! Halloween play dates with friends (age dependent) and Halloween films at the cinema or spooky theatre productions will bring the frightful fun.


Pumpkin patch outing and carving!

Pick a perfect pumpkin for your pretend play! Look online for pumpkin patches to explore, which will often be a short journey from home. Children can choose their favourites by size and shape and use blunt items to carve faces with expressions- and of course, add decorations and accessories. You can then display your creations in the window- and make soup or pie!


Lots of love, the Heidi Rose family xx